Welcome to Masonboro Elementary’s Volunteer Program! Masonboro recognizes the importance of our volunteer program as a vital role in enhancing our school’s curriculum, programs, and projects. 

Volunteer hours are not strictly those hours spent with students. 

Below are just a few of the many other ways you can volunteer all of which are just as important to report.

  • Assisting with:

    • Classroom Duties (bulletin boards, copying, etc) 

    • PTA Fundraisers (ie Fall Festival, Book Fair, Fun Day)            

    • PTA Programs (Walking Club, Postal Pals, Hospitality)

  • Attending:       

    • PTA meetings            

    • Coffee with the Principal            

    • Volunteer Breakfast

If you ever have any extra time and want to volunteer at Masonboro, but don't have something specific planned to do, head to the Media Center!  The Media Center is a very busy place and Ms. Fasano is always looking for help with shelving books

Please be sure to sign in and out every time you volunteer!  This not only helps administration keep track of who is in the building at all times for security and emergency purposes, but it helps us track, calculate, and report ALL volunteer hours to the county at the end of each month.

Also, remember to wear your Volunteer Sticker!  This is very important for security reasons. This also helps identify you to other staff members and/or students who might need assistance.  


Level 1 Volunteers work under continual supervision of school staff members, while Level 2 Volunteers may work alone with students and may not always be with a staff member. Level 2 Volunteers must complete a background check.  If you are unsure if you need a background check please contact the front office.                                                          


Prior to volunteering at Masonboro Elementary as a Level 1 Volunteer, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Attend a virtual or in-person orientation and complete our attendance form

  2. Download and read the Volunteer Handbook.

  3. Submit a Volunteer Application to our front office or email susan.donner@nhcs.net or jennifer.green@nhcs.net.

  4. Complete the Volunteer Orientation Assessment.

If you would like to become a Level 2 Volunteer (required for field trip chaperones), you must complete the following additional step:

  1. Complete the Background Check Application (fee applies). You will receive a card upon approval that is good for 3 years. Please forward the email you receive when completed to: susan.donner@nhcs.net or jennifer.green@nhcs.net.

These resources can all be found on NHCS All Hands on Deck Portal.


Please report to the front office and sign in using the computer located on the table to the right.  Use the “Volunteer” button and follow the prompts.

A volunteer badge like the above will be printed and should be worn at all times when in the building.

Please remember to check out upon leaving the school using the Red “Check Out” button.

Volunteering before school starts and don’t need a badge.  Feel free to quickly record your hours in the notebook also located on the table in the front office.  We do ask that you remember to sign the Volunteer Assurance of Confidentiality on the back.

For those who volunteer from home, or for those who need to report additional hours outside of school, you may log your hours here

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you so much for sharing your time and talents in all that you do!

PTA Membership